I have been a late 60's early 70's wildchild for a long time. My mom was (and still is) the ultimate hippie and my dad, mom, and I would listen to The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, The Rolling Stones, Lou Reed, The Talking Heads, the whole gamut. My spirit was born in another era which is why fall 2015 trends are easily my favorite thing ever. I have been a Brigitte Bardot obsessed fangirl for what seems like a decade and after god knows how long, I finally had the kahones to do the middle part bangs, just like her. I loved mixing the motorcycle elements with this mod-girl look. It was playful, made me feel confident, and super comfy and easy to put together. This is going to definitely be an outfit I repeat! Mostly because I feel like I can dance around in my living room listening to old records and totally take myself back in time wearing this outfit.
Fisherman Cap // Thrifted (similar). Clogs // Koolaburra.