Pastels - and Other Ways to Forget it's still Snowing in Chicago






I’m an optimist. Perhaps not consistently but overall I’d say I tend to look up, especially since looking down leaves one vulnerable to pole-in-the-face style slapstick. I hate slapstick. Conversely, I love seeing the brighter side.

Sure, in Chicago it’s currently snowing outside – like, really snowing - but officially it’s spring and there’s no better time than now to have a bit more fun. See? Optimist.

Not sure where to start on your hunt for fun? Here are 7 practical ways anyone can add more childlike fun to their day.

Make new friends. If you were the type who reached out to the least popular, the underdog of your class, continue that trend into your adulthood. Forge friendship with those who need your help, assistance, or a listening ear. The more we give to others, the happier we are ourselves.

Volunteer at an animal shelter. These institutions need our help and are usually under staffed. Caring for a helpless creature just may be the most fun you have all week. No clue where to start? A few of my friends are currently volunteering at the Animal Care League in Oak Park.

Play outside. Yes, we said play. We’re not talking about your daily run or bike commute. Get outside and start a game of street hockey or tennis with your family and friends. Head to the park for a volleyball match. Start a snowball fight with the mailman. Just play!

Dance like no one is looking. Turn up your stereo and dance to the songs you loved in the 90s. If anyone comments on how your moves are less than graceful, make them join you!

Forgive freely and quickly. Kids argue all the time but rarely do they nurse grudges. Write down the names of three people who have peeved you more than anyone else. Whether or not they’ve asked for it, grant them forgiveness. Forget what it was they did or said and choose to move on. This isn’t typically something that can be done in a day, but developing a pattern of forgiveness in your heart now will lead to a happier and longer life down the road.

Build or make something. We’re not suggesting you dig out the old glue gun and macaroni. Know how to sew, knit, or familiar with basic carpentry? If not, take a class. Learn how to create something with your own two hands, admire it, and share your skill with someone else.

Enjoy a gigantic mug of hot cocoa. Chocolate is as innocent and sweet as childhood. For a list of Chicago’s best hot chocolate spots, click here. For an amazing version you can make at home, click here.

How will you be adding more childlike fun to your day?