My #AllNaturalStyleSecrets


Skin care is so important, especially since I am in my late 20's. There is a million products out there that say they will do one thing and then they turns out they do a whole lot of nothing. Lately my skin has been stress and I started breaking out.

Seventh Generation partnered up with Lucky Magazine to request for selected bloggers to write their review on their new Natural Skin-Boosting Serum. I received the Soothing Serum, there is 6 to choose from, Hydrating,Clearing,Firming, Revitalizing, and Protecting.

I have mixed completion, one day its super oily and then next its drier then a desert. When I started using this product my face was very dry, so after applying I had a beautiful dewy face. It has a very faint smell of chamomile which I loved, it was extremely calming since my skin was stressed. I followed the application directions and after using for about a week I noticed that my face was no longer dried out but it was becoming very oily. The product it self is not greasy, but I decided to cut back to once a day at night and it was perfect. I think I will be using this all winter since my skin seems to be dryer in the colder months. Over all I am I really do like this product.

Please head over to their website and please vote for me !


Disclosure: I received a free sample of this product from Lucky and Seventh Generation for use in
connection with this blog.
All opinions are my own.
