Wearable Wednesday: Wild Fashion





Hat-JCPenny (similar)// top-Lane Bryant (similar)//cardigan-Cuddleduds (similar)//Jeans-JCPenny(similar)//booties-Piperlime (similar)

Hello ladies! First off sorry about posting this late but once again I’ve been super busy with a bunch of school stuff, this semester is coming in strong. I feel like a broken record saying that, but it’s the truth! Lol

Anyways, I decided to wear this really simple and trendy look, and I’m really stepping out of my comfort zone with wearing this hat, but I actually liked it and felt a little fabulous wearing it. Especially with leopard print, I think that anytime I wear leopard print I feel fabulous. Lol It’s crazy how one or two pieces of clothing can transform your look and give you more confidence! With me it’s usually something that makes a statement or is a classic piece.

One of the things I love about fashion and clothing is how it can have the power to give you confidence and having fun with it! So tell me, what’s an item in your wardrobe that gives you an extra boost of confidence?? Leave a comment, or better yet show us on Instagram or twitter and tag us so we can see!

Have a fabulous week girls!