Vested & Distressed


I like to mix things u when it comes to my wardrobe. I'm a big believer in the party-in-the-front-business-in-the-back form of dresses (not hairstyle). I pair expensive with inexpensive and new with vintage. This summer I've been playing around with the tailored and distressed look. I love cut-offs and really wanted to pair them with my new vest from Forever21 but the ones I owned were too shorts and I couldn't find a longer pair that I liked.


Luckily my friend Karla A.K.A The Destressed Mom is a DIY professional. She usually does it for children and does it well. She showcases her work on her personal little model and son Jacob (jacoblogans). She took a pair of dated bootcut jeans and turned them into an on trend closet staple.

So happy I can wear my tailored/distressed look from Summer into Fall.

