Statement Python


Dress: Moschino - Shoes: Gucci

First off, can we talk about these shoes? When it comes to a statement boot, this is it! I have been eying this shoe for the longest time and picking out the perfect looks to go with them. This boot would create such an interesting outfit with such a simple little dress or jeans. Using this type of mixed texture will create an outfit that is so one of a kind and unforgettable. Using this shoe with a different print will be so adorable! Such as a printed shirt or dress like the one above, or a color blocked dress to add a pop of color. Such a great look for spring! 

Pairing these boots or any type of python for that matter, will make an outfit so chic. Python is such a fun fabric to play with and match with different garments and styles. Using it as a contrasting piece with a simple outfit is ideal! But any outfit will go with this in-style fabric.