short story

endless rose, lace, blouse

Lace blouse, Endless Rose. Denim cut-offs, One Teaspoon. Red lace-up heels, ShoeDazzle. East African Sisal bag, Urban Renewal Metro watch, Kate Spade.

There are some who believe that wearing heels with short shorts is a big no-no, and while I'm not keen on such a limitation, I have to admit that I definitely understand why the rule exists. I happened to pick a random street corner to take my pictures on this day, and some creeper in his car rolled down his window and stopped at the stop sign for a full 20 seconds while making slimy kissing noises and trying his best to get my attention (while I did my best to ignore him!) Jeez, I feel self-conscious enough taking photographs in busy public areas without attracting THAT kind of attention...

Moral of the story, I probably would've avoided that if I weren't hanging out at a corner wearing short shorts with heels ^_^.