

​Not many people are a fan of the whole wearing a dress with jeans thing, I AM (obviously), but it isn't for everyone. I think I'm more drawn to mixing the two because it gives me a chance to get more wear out of my clothes, AND it's easier to take your kiddo out, walk the dog, carry groceries, etc., when you don't have to worry about a gust of wind showing everyone your panties (GASP!). Top it off with a pair of kicks and it's my perfect Spring outfit.

In other news, these photos were taken a day before a snow storm hit Minne (sad face). Le sigh, so much for Spring.


Outfit Combo: top: AllSaints dress, bottom: ​rag & bone distressed skinny jeans , sunnies:​Ray-Ban 'Original Aviator', and shoes: ​Nike 'Pre Montreal' sneakers