Peace, Love & Leather.

Lucky LeatherLucky Leather

Winter has been a bit clingy this year, because it does not seem to want to leave! Although, Spring is starting to show him some love and, dare I say it, might be starting to back off! Hopefully, I didn't speak too soon... In the spirit of the blending of these seasons, it's time we make a mash-up of our own!

Lucky LeatherLucky Leather

This spring, the 70s are making a HUGE comeback! It's all about taking the retro silhouettes, vintage prints and rich colors and infusing your own modern flare into it. Since, it's still chilly out though, coats are not out of the woods yet. Why not be hip and pair a boho, 70s blouse, with a tough and rockin' leather jacket? I was channeling Stevie Nicks; could you tell? It's the perfect mix of edgy and effortless, while also staying on trend. Plus, you'll be prepared for whatever climate that comes your way!

Lucky LeatherLucky Leather

By mashing up these two completely polar opposite styles, you automatically make a statement. Opposites attract is a real and proven theory, guys. From seeing my reflection in the snow-covered hills one day to 60 degrees and sunny the next, I'm surprised there hasn't been a landslide! If there is though, the tough and fearless you in the leather jacket will have nothing but good vibes. Time makes you bolder, well and a leather jacket/ 70s mash-up.

Lucky LeatherPeace, Love & LeatherPeace, Love & Leather

When you can't decide whether you want to go rock n' roll or retro, go both! The 70s are the new 90s, people. Sail through the changing ocean tides of trends and handle the seasons in your life. Go ahead, try my theory! I'm telling you, "stand back" and prepared to be amazed!