On Tuesdays We Wear Pink





In Audrey Hepburn's famous film, Funny Face, the city of Paris is abuzz with the thought, "Think pink!" Sometimes when adult women opt for the rosy hue, they come off looking a tad bit too girlish. To create an edgier or more grown-up look it's important to remember these three tips:

1. Add a serious shoe.

A heavier black shoe gives the outfit severity and grounds it. Look for something architectural in basic black or navy to make your pink ensembles anything but doll-like.

2. Structured bags = ladylike

In order to make the switch from doll-like to ladylike, pair your pop of pink with a grown up looking structured bag in luxe leather.

3. Keep your hair simple.

Overly contrived hair styles leave you looking a bit young or doll-like and whimsical. To ensure you never look twee, leave the hair undone and free or sweep it into a low pony.