New Year, New York

Coat: Zara / Shirt: H&M (similar here)/ Leggings: Quinn / Boots: Forever 21 / Bag: Topshop
Photography: Chris Britton

I'm so thankful for 2014 - I enjoyed it more than I thought.

To start off, I chop my hair and kept the look all year long, even cut it shorter, I felt certain liberty with it and I'm having so much fun with this look. Other highlights of my year include blogging for The Street Styler, my 2 year anniversary with the love of my life and a lot of events including fashion week and weddings!
Also, I moved out from the apartment I lived all my college years with my two wonderful roomates (that after all those years of happy-cry-stress moments became more like sisters) and moved to the city I love the most, New York. This moving changed my life, I’m happy to be able to work in the field I love and the one I work so hard to get into – I’m grateful to had the chance to meet new extremely talented people that now I call my friends and to be able to explore my creativity in a city where anyone can accomplish anything as long as you want it badly and you work for it.

I feel so blessed to have my family, my boyfriend and friends supporting me and loving me every step of the way - 2015 will be new, mysterious and with a lot of changes… amazing-good changes!
Always remember to never loose faith, take every opportunity as it comes, Don’t let anybody make you believe you dream too high, always look forward and never, not for one instant, doubt of yourself.

Thank you all for being part of my year!


P.S. Special thanks to Chris Britton for the amazing photography - visit his website to see more of his amazing work:






