Finding the perfect tulle skirt

I've been enamored with tulle skirts lately.

Tulle skirt from

Apparently, I'm not the only one.

beige tulle skirt from

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Tulle skirts have been popping up on bloggers and celebrities for a little while now. What is the allure?

For me, it calls to mind long-lost days of ballet or a hint of a traditional wedding gown. It is such a light and fun fabric. Gather a lot of tulle and watch the volume build; a tulle skirt becomes like a little floating cloud of color. It is perfect for warmer weather and makes an outfit elegant, but whimsical. Most importantly, it is great for twirling,

Just keep the following in mind when picking a tulle skirt:

1. Pick a length that works well for you

As you can see below, tulle skirts come in every length. If you're petite, a long tulle skirt may overwhelm your figure. Go for a length that makes you feel comfortable and looks good on your body type.

2. Neutral or bright?

Tulle skirts come in many different shades. As with any skirt, pick a shade that complements your wardrobe. Are you only planning on wearing it a few times or do you want a few wears? A neutral shade will be more versatile and can be worn for quite a few occasions.

3. How much is too much?

How much volume do you want in your skirt? Are you comfortable with a puffy skirt or do you want it to be a bit more subdued? Make sure you know before you get your tulle skirt.

I managed to find a few lovely tulle skirts at ASOS. Which would you choose?

Perfect tulle skirts by little luxury list

1. Fashion Union Tulle Mini Prom Skirt, ASOS, $36

2. ASOS COLLECTION ASOS Full Midi Tulle Skirt, ASOS, $44 (from $111)

3. Needle & Thread Tulle Maxi Skirt, ASOS, $172.16