Feelin' Smooth

coach city classic, bauble bar crawlers, woodbury lane, gap shorts, madewell sandals, slingback sandals, saddle bag, vaseline, vaseline aloe

Tank: Woodbury Lane (Sold out), Similar, Similar / Shorts: Same, Similar / Shoes: Same, Similar / Bag:Same, Similar / Earrings: Same / Necklace: Similar

coach city classic, bauble bar crawlers, woodbury lane, gap shorts, madewell sandals, slingback sandals, saddle bag, vaseline, vaseline aloe

I know that we're all in the throes of fall shopping now, but guys...it's still summer! Which for me really just means primarily one thing: it's still major sunburn season! While you can get sunburned year round (yes, I'm the girl that gets burned in January), I'm spending so much more time outside during the summer, so there are so many more chances to get burned.

coach city classic, bauble bar crawlers, woodbury lane, gap shorts, madewell sandals, slingback sandals, saddle bag, vaseline, vaseline aloe

Now, I practice what I preach and try to apply sunscreen like it's my job, but no matter what, I always seem to end up getting one unpleasant burn during the summer. The trick when that happens? Aloe! The down side? Most of the aloe you can find in stores tends to be gel and super sticky. Aka gross. That's why I was overjoyed when Vaseline mentioned to me that they now have a spray lotion that includes aloe! They didn't have to ask me twice if I wanted to try it out.

coach city classic, bauble bar crawlers, woodbury lane, gap shorts, madewell sandals, slingback sandals, saddle bag, vaseline, vaseline aloe

The Vaseline Intensive Care Aloe Soothe Spray and Go Moisturizer was kind of a new concept to me. Lotion in a spray bottle? A little weird. However, since getting it, I've started used it as a regular lotion. I haven't gotten the chance to test it out on a sunburn (thank god), but I have to say, this might be my new favorite lotion. It easily rubs in and doesn't leave my skin feeling sticky. Plus, it smells wonderful!

coach city classic, bauble bar crawlers, woodbury lane, gap shorts, madewell sandals, slingback sandals, saddle bag, vaseline, vaseline aloe

I'm normally not a big user of lotion during the summer (because, sticky), but this lotion has converted me. Now if they could put out a travel size bottle, then this would probably never leave my side (or well, my bag really).

coach city classic, bauble bar crawlers, woodbury lane, gap shorts, madewell sandals, slingback sandals, saddle bag, vaseline, vaseline aloe