Everyday Princess

I am about to jump on the bandwagon…er should I say Cinderella carriage of tulle skirts. During my visit to Chicago I couldn’t leave the city without stopping at Topshop, and boy am I glad I did! I have been on the hunt for a tulle skirt for a while now, it is a lot harder to find the perfect tulle skirt than you would think. I am a girl with a booty, so tulle skirts can easily make me look larger than I am. Also, I’ve found a lot of tulle skirts can look cheaply made because the designer will only put 1 or 2 layers of tulle over a very thin slip. Yeah, the cost may be great for the skirt but remember you get what you pay for.

Anyways, I finally found a gorgeous midi tulle skirt in white that I am totally obsessed with. There are so many ways you can style your tulle skirt, especially when it is in a neutral color! Here are 3 of my favorite ways to style my Topshop tulle midi skirt:
1. Denim Diva

Now, I chose to keep my denim button up open and knotted each side. I love to layer!! If layering isn’t your thing button up your shirt and tuck it in or knot it to the side to give it a country girl vibe. It also looks great with a flannel instead of denim!

2. Classicly Chic

Opt out for the easy look and pair your tulle skirt with a simple crop top. Remember ladies keep it classy, a crop top doesn’t mean a bra! Crop top not your thing? Sport a simple t-shirt! Whether it be a graphic tee, solid colored, or patterned; a tee looks great with a tulle skirt and gives you a casual, laid back look.

3. Hardcore Princess

Give your girly look some edge!! Rock a leather jacket and some killer kicks with your tulle skirt and you’ll be sure to turn heads. You could even pair this look with a pair of Converse.
Okay fashionistas, get creative and feel like a princess!! Go get you a tulle skirt!




Sorry for the horrible photo quality…currently blogging from my phone!

via FabulouslyVee.com