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The Perfect White T Shirt For A Full Bust

For the average person a little white t is an easy wardrobe staple that you throw on and never give a second thought. However, for those of us top heavy ladies, it can be a frightening mess of unflattering shapes and bulges in all the wrong places. I have collected some top tips for all my apple, strawberry, and inverted triangle shaped sistas on how to pick the perfect little white t-shirt...

Find the perfect bra. They call them t-shirt bras for a reason. I know if can be difficult to get just the right fit when you're over a DD, but it may be the most important thing you can do for your wardrobe. So invest in the time and money on the perfect bra and you'll never regret it!

White T Top Half

Look for and open neckline. Save the high necklines for the small busted ladies.. a v-neck or a scoop will be much for flattering for us curvy girls.

White T Upper Body

Find the right fit. Think of yourself as Goldilocks... not too tight, not too loose.. find one that's juuust right.

Go for a longer length. Our t-shirts have farther to travel over a larger bust line, so look for ones that have a little length. While I subscribe to the fashion rule that there are no rules, crop tops are not likely to be the most flattering on a full bust.

White T Full

Experiment with the waist. I tucked mine in to emphasize the waist. You can try tucking in just the side for an asymmetrical line that could be very flattering, or maybe tuck in the front for a trendy 90s look. If the t-shirt is fitted just right you can leave it untucked for a smooth line. Try different looks and see what you feel best in.

Try some layers. It may seem counterintuitive to put more clothing on an area that is already your biggest feature, but hear me out. Some t-shirt can be very thin (and even more so on those of us that make them stretch in certain places.) I always layer a tank under my t's. Sometimes it's a shape wear tank, or sometimes just a regular one. But either way, I feel like it gives me a little more coverage, and smoothes out any areas that need smoothing.

White T Bottom Half

Are you a full busted babe? Are there any t-shirt tips you'd like to share? Is there an article of clothing that you're afraid to wear because of your bust line?

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